Our company is being present on the industrial automation market since 2002. Our aim is to provide high technical level and high quality components and equipment together with service to our partners. Our activity includes selling of components, product support and engineering service.
We sell products to the machine automation, the process automation and process filtration. Most of the goods originate from Parker brands. Beside this we sell control valves from Schubert&Salzer and solenoid valves from GSR Ventiltechnik as well. Our partners are design and engineering offices, special machine builders, system integrators and endusers from several industrial fields. We have enduser partners from small engineering offices up to large multinational companies.
Our staff consists of electrical and mechanical engineers which ensures the high level service from quotations through software development up to carrying out complete projects.
Our company has ISO9001 certification since 2004.
Our home page provides a quick overwiev on the products we sell. We can provide detailled technical and selling information via e-mail and phone but we are ready to have personal consultation any time.
We say thanks for loyalty of our present customers and hope we can serve even more customers at their satisfaction in the future.
Vad Ferenc