Parker PAC Terminal

The PT displays any embedded HMI option from the PAC to its screen allowing the full HMI experience with half the cost.

The PAC Terminal is a thin-client HMI that has been designed from the start to offer the easiest configuration and connection in the industry.

The PAC (Parker Automation Controller) hosts either an embedded Xpress or Web Visualization application, while the PT displays the target visualization and transfers the users touch input commands back to the PAC.

Reduce HMI Hardware Costs
Our PAC controller does the heavy lifting hosting the HMI application, allowing the PAC Terminal to provide high end HMI performance at very cost effective pricing.

Reduced Development Time 
Embedded Xpress provides intuitive, drag and drop tools for developing HMI applications that can reduce your development time by 30% over competing toolsets. Users who prefer IEC 61131-3 programming can quickly tie their PAC programming logic to Web Visualization objects for a seamless logical solution.

Reduce Downtime
The PAC Terminal is essentially a Web browser designed for the factory floor. If for any reason, the PAC Terminal stops functioning, the PAC controller can publish its screen to any device with a compatible Web browser and your process keeps running. Better yet, simply replace the PAC Terminal and set IP addresses and your application is back running, no application to load, no other configuration required.

Increasing Security
The PAC Terminal contains no application data when disconnected from the PAC controller. Critical application data, parameters and history are all stored on the PAC, safely in your main control cabinet. This centralized architecture presents an inherently smaller attack profile for malware, viruses and other malicious intent as your HMI is no longer an intelligent device containing critical information — yet, no functionality is compromised.

Updated at: Wed, 09 Jun 2021 15:50